Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My first ever Barbie Doll Fondant Cake

     My very first doll cake. Wow! such a amazing feeling after seeing the finished product.  It really paid off all the hardwork I spent.  Although, it wasn't perfect but for an amateur work it looks pretty decent.  It really helped when I'm alone in the house working by myself without any interruptions.  But I  also give credit to my parents who supported me all the way and took care of the boys while I was busy with my cake projects.

This cake was ordered by Maliza Ong, a former schoolmate in high school.  Of course, thru facebook she saw some of my creations and that's how she got hold of me.  I'm very thankful to her for patronizing and trusting me that much to have spent SOME MONEY for her daugther's birthday cake.  Nevertheless, I am so grateful for this God-given opportunity.

...still under construction

Please excuse my cluttered background.  I just don't have good working space in our small house but I know someday I'll have one.  
       The whole experience was somewhat difficult for a first timer like me but it was also enjoyable at the same time.  This is my passion, creating beautiful edible stuff.     And I really value people who knows how to appreciate my creations regardless of the costs.  Such a blessing to have seen so much joy and excitement on Lois' face that day she picked-up her cake.
....not quite done yet

        And here she is..........


   These cute little birdies' craze!!!  It's every kids favorite cartoon character nowadays. Undeniable cute themed for a cake also.  These are some of the creation I've made so far.  Mostly were chocolate moist with choco-caramel filling and iced with chocolate ganache and vanilla buttercream.

Fondant Cake                                                                                                      

Marc Nathaniel, my nephew just recently celebrated his birthday last March at the beach.
It was a wonderful feast day!!!

This particular one was  a 
MOCHA CAKE (coffee flavored sponge cake) filled with espresso buttercream icing. I'm happy that Ate Grace Tampos and her family, especially the kids loved it. 

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       My dear friend Weng Abarquez ordered this cutie yummy cake for her nephew Fritz. Happy to know that Fritz loved it so as the rest of the family.  Looking forward to make another birthday cake next month for Weng's mom.
Topped with an angry bird model gumpaste, a coin bank and some toys also.
8x3 Chocolate Moist Cake with choco-caramel filling. Frosted with fluffy vanilla icing.

*  *  *  *  *  *
     Another Christmas cake ordered by Romeo for her daugther Sophie. This was a devil's food cake recipe.          

Thank you all for patronizing!

Chocolate moist cakes

       All time favorite cake dessert : 
Most of my projects lately were these, filled with choco-caramel and frosted with chocolate ganache and some fluffy vanilla icing.  Very popular to many because of its heavenly taste plus chocolate will just plainly make you feel happy.  

TRIVIA: Chocolate contains anadamine, a brain chemical that helps brighten our mood. Scientists believe that other chemicals in chocolate cause anadamide to stay longer in the brain, thus enhancing its positive effect.

.....these are only few of the many ones I've made

 I am well pleased with the outcome of this cake although the design was very simple but I am happy to know that Czeannon and her guests loved it.  I didn't know she had a big celebration for her graduation.  Anyways, congrats little girl, for being FIRST HONORS in your class!!!  We are so proud of You!

 This cake was for my sister Rose Anne, the recipe was exactly a devil's food cake, which I prefer the most.                                                                                                                                                               
This cake was for her daugther Nicole

 On the other hand, Mrs. Reyes from Sangguniang Office fondly preferred my cake over Park N Shop's Boulangarie bakeshop.  

It's truly a humbling experience!