Friday, January 14, 2011

Candied Yams (Boiled Sweet Potato with a twist)

 My version : Candied Yams
(boiled sweet potato with a twist)
A fellow American was helping us with our vehicle problem the day I made this.  I figured since he was away from home that he would be thrilled to know that there's something baking in the oven that would remind him of traditional american side dish.  Well, I've never made this when I was in Texas. It is just now that I'm back in the Philippines that I missed so much of the good stuff there.  I have to admit that I'm experiencing homesickness!  And this is one of the many great stuff that reminds me of my life in the states.  I thought I could never find comparable ingredients here. Canned yams are always available in the US groceries not here though.  My hubby so love this dish and so do I.  I crave this once in awhile.

   Actually, this is a traditional American thanksgiving side dish.  So I made one during our celebration. My friends here in the Philippines never tried this recipe ever and of course they all loved it! Ingredients are easy to find:
  • Boiled and mashed Yams or Chinese Kamote(orange flesh), that's the name they called it here when you go to the wet market. By the way, the other variety of sweet potato like the yellow and the purple won't do well for this recipe.
  • 1 small can crushed pineapple mix into the mashed yams. 
  • Brown sugar, butter, chopped walnuts, cinnamon and a little flour tossed them altogether. Make two batches of this. One to mix into the yams and the second batch to sprinkle on top.
  • Marshmallows for toppings. Bake it until it turns brownish. (see the photo)

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